We’re incredibly grateful for the ongoing relationship we have with the Bobby Stafford-Bush Foundation.
A special thanks to the foundation for the fantastic new Red Epic camera very kindly purchased by you!
We’ve kept ourselves busy by:

  • Speaking to over 12000 people this year
  • Sent the book and DVD to every school in NZ and the Cook Islands – over 2560 schools
  • Been on a National Tour around NZ speaking at different schools
  • Spoke at TEDx Auckland and NYLD (National Young Leaders Day)
  • Filmed Series 2 and it screened on ‘What Now’ to over 100,000 kids  – including 3 episodes filmed at the Kermadecs, 3 in the Cook Islands and 3 at Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef.

Thanks again
Jo Hathaway
Young Ocean Explorers