Ko Mitchell Dance ahau.
Ko Rangipoua te maunga.
Ko Haparapara te awa.
Ko Te whanau a Rutaia a te hapu.
Ko Te whanau a Apanui to iwi.

Thank you for the tremendous support for a sport that I am truly dedicated and passionate about.
I started playing basketball when I was 10. I was a tall boy at year 6 and my love of sport saw me give this sport a go. I was a competitive person so I guess I thought “Well, I will give this game a try”. From my first game I was hooked but never imagined where it could lead me to!
Over the last 6 years my engagement in basketball has shifted from a casual twice a week training experience with a couple of games a week to the point where I now live and breathe a game I love. Basketball is now my passion and I strive for excellence in all that I do. Having the opportunity to play the sport that I love at an elite level, to represent my country has been mind blowing for me. Now its all I want to do!

My parents support me to believe in myself, to work hard and remain mentally committed. I have been inspired by so many great people and had the opportunity to be game educated by some amazing coaches. Their coaching has centrally been about skills enhancement but, when you look to be the best at your sport you learn about life and the sort of person you are.

At the end of my secondary schooling I aim to play basketball in the United States of America. I plan to play for a college while studying. I am not only looking to gain a sporting scholarship but also and academic scholarship. Basketball has taught me that talent is nothing if you don’t work hard!

I can’t express enough how much this support is helping me towards my goals and dreams in a sport that I love.

Nga mihi

Mitchell Dance

The Bobby Stafford-Bush Foundation Tracey LambrechsBy Benjamin J Melville