I am currently pursuing my goals in the sport of athletics. The start of this process begins later this year and a large chunk in 2017. I am beginning my plans early however as I want to be highly prepared and leave no stone turned from here on out as I begin to try and achieve my ambitious goals.

In 2012 I was extremely close to qualifying for the London Olympics running a time in the 400m of 46.40 and the Olympic qualifying time being 45.80. However since then I developed an Illness which resulted in me being admitted into hospital for a number of days with gastrointestinal and kidney problems after each time I ran 400m race. This became such an issue that I had to give up my dream of attending the 2016 Olympics in the 400m.

Because of this from 2012 through to 2015 I focussed on the 100m and 200m events where I won 2 Bronze medals in the national championships in the 100m and also a silver and a gold in the national championships for the 200m where I am the current 200m national champion. Although this was a successful change of event I have since strived for more and set my short term focus on medalling in the 800m for the 2018 Commonwealth Games I have already made some large sacrifices to attempt this:

1. Moving to Wellington to train with Steve Willis (renowned running coach in New Zealand)
2. Taking up a part time job (24 hours) So I can train as a full time athlete
3. Did a number of tests to test my upper V02 limits and future potential in the event

The Commonwealth Games in 2018 is only the beginning of my goal, from here I aim to attend the World Championships and Olympics and have an end goal of breaking Sir Peter Snells record. In addition to this I want to inspire youth and people at risk to chase their dreams and always live their life.

alex Jordan

Alex Jordan

The Bobby Stafford-Bush Foundation